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Crime Mapping


The Neighbors App by Ring is a free app designed to help communities connect and stay informed about what’s going on around them – whether they own a Ring device or not. Millions of users are working together to make neighborhoods safer for their families, friends and neighbors. When communities work together, safer neighborhoods become a reality. The Chesaning Police Department and Chesaning Neighborhood Watch have partnered with Ring to keep our residents informed of incidents in their community.

Stay Informed
Get real-time, hyper-local information about what’s going on in your community, through crime and safety alerts from users within a radius of up to 5-miles from your home.

Alert Your Community 
Post and share important crime and safety information falling into the following five categories: Criminal Activity, Suspicious Activity, Unknown Visitor, Safety and Lost Pets. You can also provide updates and inform your neighborhood when an incident has been resolved.

Connect with Neighbors
View and comment on videos, photos and text-based posts shared by local users through the Neighbors app feed.

Putting Privacy First
Choose what content to share and control how you want to engage with other users. The Neighbors app was designed to keep users in control of their private information.

Support from Local Police
The Chesaning Police and Chesaning Neighborhood Watch have joined the Neighbors app to engage with their communities by viewing and responding to crime and safety incidents, sharing real-time alerts to keep residents informed and requesting assistance on active investigations.

Free and Accessible
Smartphone users in the United States can join the conversation by downloading Neighbors for iOS , Neighbors for Android and Neighbors for FireOS . Users do not have to own a Ring device to help make their neighborhoods safer.